One to One Training - Microsoft PowerPoint: Beginner - Intermediate - Advance - (Go at your own pace)


Once you have discussed your learning requirements with your Microsoft Office trainer please select your availability when making your booking here from the Select Option tab below. More information can be found under the Course Locations tab below. If you have a question or a query, call us today. We're here to help.

Title: Microsoft Office PowerPoint Training (Go at your own pace)

Version: Designed for Microsoft Office PowerPoint 365, 2019, 2016, 2013 & 2010

Who is this training for?
Our Microsoft PowerPoint advanced training is suitable for those users with an intermediary working knowledge of PowerPoint Presentation and want to progress to the advanced features and functions within PowerPoint Presentation.

Prerequisites: A good working knowledge of Microsoft PowerPoint is required.

You will be able to consolidate your IT skills using PowerPoint advance features and functions.

What will you learn on this PowerPoint Advance Training Course?

  • Advanced Presentation
  • Images and Hyperlinks
  • Animation and Transition
  • Action Buttons and Media
  • Slide Masters
  • Working with Objects
  • Importing and Exporting
  • Tables
  • Charts
  • Templates
  • Setting Up
  • Saving and Sharing

Subject areas covered are listed in detailed in the Curriculum tab above.

Course Level: Level 3

Teaching Method: Online tutoring using Cisco Webex or Zoom as our online tutoring platform.

Hours: 1 hour (Instructor-led lesson)

Tutor's Rate: £44 per hour

We can help you with POWERPOINT at beginner or intermediate level, call us today and discuss your learning needs with us, we're here to help you.

Title: Microsoft PowerPoint Intermediate Training (Go at your own pace)

Version: Designed for Microsoft PowerPoint 365, 2019, 2016, 2013 & 2010

Who is this training for?
Our Microsoft Office PowerPoint intermediate training course is suitable for those users with basic working knowledge of PowerPoint and want to take advantage of using more complex features and functions within PowerPoint Presentation.

Prerequisites: A good basic working knowledge of Microsoft PowerPoint is required.

You will be able to consolidate your IT skills using PowerPoint at intermediate level.

What will you learn on this PowerPoint Intermediate Training Course?

  • PowerPoint Design Tips and Techniques
  • What's new in PowerPoint
  • Customising Presentation Templates
  • Enhancing Presentations
  • Using SmartArt, Tables and Charts
  • Formatting and modifying tables
  • Advanced Presentation Techniques
  • Printing and Handouts

Subject areas covered are listed in detailed in the Curriculum tab above.

Course Level: Level 2

Teaching Method: Online tutoring using Cisco Webex or Zoom as our online tutoring platform.

Hours: 1 hour (Instructor-led lesson)

Tutor's Rate: £33 per hour

Title: Microsoft PowerPoint Basic Training (Go at your own pace)

Version: Designed for Microsoft PowerPoint 365, 2019, 2016, 2013 & 2010

Who is this training for?
Our Microsoft PowerPoint basic training is suitable for those users with no prior knowledge or experience of using Microsoft PowerPoint and who wants to progress to using the basic features and functions within PowerPoint Presentation.

Prerequisites: No experience or prior knowledge of Microsoft PowerPoint is required.

You will be able to consolidate your IT skills using PowerPoint features and functions at basic level.

Helpful Tips
To benefit from our Microsoft PowerPoint basic training, learners need to have a very basic knowledge of Windows and using a computer.

What will you learn on this PowerPoint Basic Training Course?

  • Getting started with PowerPoint
  • Working with Presentations
  • Understanding the Start Screen
  • Creating a New Blank Presentation
  • How PowerPoint Works
  • Using Ribbon KeyTips
  • Showing and Collapsing the Ribbon
  • Understanding Backstage View
  • Understanding the Quick Access Toolbar
  • Adding Commands to Quick Access Toolbar
  • Understanding the Status Bar
  • Customising the Status Bar

Subject areas covered are listed in detailed in the Curriculum tab above.

Course Level: Level 1

Teaching Method: Online tutoring using Cisco Webex or Zoom as our online tutoring platform.

Hours: 1 hour (Instructor-led lesson)

Tutor's Rate: £27.50 per hour

Ordering services from our website and how it works?

Once you have discussed your learning requirements and your availability with you teacher and you are ready to start learning, you will need to book your training session(s) here.

In the Select Option... tab above, you will find our course schedule list, choose your subject level by clicking on it, book your hour(s), you will then need to click on ADD TO BASKET button on the right-hand side.

You will now need to complete your billing detail(s), all the boxes with asterisk * will need to be completed or your booking form will not be processed and once you have completed your billing detail(s) you will need to tick the box to accept our terms and conditions else your checkout will not be processed. The other box is optional (mailing list, latest news and offers).

Once you have click CHECKOUT NOW! :

Our payment gateway "WORLDPAY" will then process your transaction and if successful you will receive an email of the confirmation of the transaction and invoice of service(s) purchased.

If you face any issues, call us on 020 8907 5522 and we will walk you through it.

We are available from 9am to 9pm (Monday to Friday).

Payment Methods:

  • Credit or Debit Card
  • Email PayByLink (Invoiced Payment)

If you have a question or a query, call us today. We're here to help.

Additional Information:

We only recruit educators who have a teaching qualification and a degree in their subject specialism and who have the necessary skills and experience in delivering lessons to learners on regular basis.

We have stringent recruitment policy in place for our teachers' vacancies. We check and verify each teacher's credentials and interview them personally in stages before they can join our teaching team. Our teachers are fully qualified, highly experienced and specialised in helping people of all ages to reach their full potential.

Customers may request details of our educators prior to engaging our services.

Services: Remote Learning, Online Classes, On-site Group Training.

Course Curriculum: PowerPoint Advance

Subject Areas Covered
1. Advanced Presentation
2. Images and Hyperlinks
3. Animation and Transition
4. Action Buttons and Media
5. Slide Masters
6. Working with Objects
7. Importing and Exporting
8. Tables
9. Charts
10. Templates
11. Setting Up
12 Saving and Sharing

Module: PowerPoint Presentation

  • Understanding PowerPoint Presentation
  • Applying a Theme
  • Typing Text into a Slide
  • Inserting New Slides
  • Typing Text Using the Outline Pane
  • Inserting an Online Picture
  • Presenting a Slide Show
  • Printing Handouts
  • Using Slide Sorter View
  • Reusing Slides
  • Adding Sections
  • Adding Notes to Your Slides
  • Slide Numbers
  • Keyboard Shortcuts for Navigating Slide Shows
  • Using Resume Reading
  • Presenting a Slide Show
  • Saving a Presentation
  • Closing Presentation

Module: Using Images

  • Formatting the Picture Pane
  • Adding and Removing an Image Background
  • Applying Colour Corrections
  • Recolouring an Image
  • Applying a Picture Style
  • Applying Picture Effects
  • Applying Artistic Effects
  • Cropping an Image

Module: Hyperlinks

  • Understanding Hyperlinks
  • Creating an Internal Hyperlink
  • Creating a Hyperlink to link to another Presentation
  • Creating a Hyperlink to link to another Application

Module: Animation and Transitions

  • Understanding Animation
  • Animating Text
  • Animating Objects
  • Applying Multiple Effects
  • Applying Motion Paths
  • The Animation Pane
  • Setting the Timing
  • Animating SmartArt Graphics
  • Adding Slide Transitions
  • Using and Changing Pre-Set Animation
  • Using Custom Animation

Module: Action Buttons and Media

  • Inserting a Video
  • Inserting an Audio Clip
  • Formatting Media Clips
  • Editing Audio Clips
  • Optimising and Compressing Media
  • Understanding Action Buttons
  • Inserting Action Buttons

Module: The Slide Masters

  • Viewing the Slide Master
  • Changing the Master Font
  • Modifying Bullets
  • Inserting an Image
  • Applying Slide Transitions to the Slide Master
  • Inserting Slide Numbers
  • Creating Custom Slide Layouts
  • Modifying Slide Layouts

Module: Working with Objects

  • Drawing Lines, Shapes and Text Boxes
  • Modifying Lines, Shapes and Text Boxes
  • Aligning Objects
  • Rotating Objects
  • Flipping Objects
  • Grouping Objects
  • Ungrouping Objects

Module: Importing and Exporting

  • Importing between Word and PowerPoint
  • Exporting between Word and PowerPoint
  • Importing between Excel and PowerPoint
  • Exporting between Excel and PowerPoint
  • Inserting slides from other Presentations

Module: Tables

  • Adding a Table to a Slide
  • Table Tools - The Design Tab
  • Table Tools - The Layout Tab
  • Formatting and aligning table data
  • Applying a table style
  • Inserting rows and columns
  • Merging and splitting cells
  • Resizing and positioning a table
  • Applying borders
  • Applying shading
  • Adjusting column width
  • Adjusting row height

Module: Charts

  • Understanding Charts
  • Inserting a Chart Using the Ribbon
  • Changing the Chart Type
  • Chart Elements
  • Using Quick Layouts
  • Understanding Chart Buttons
  • Changing the Layout of Chart Elements
  • Applying a Chart Style
  • Understanding the Chart Format Panes
  • Formatting Chart Elements
  • Editing a Data Series
  • Hiding Data Series
  • Working with Pie Charts
  • Working other various Charts

Module: Templates

  • Using Templates
  • Setting a Custom Templates location
  • Using an existing Template
  • Creating a Template from a Template
  • Saving a Custom Template
  • Creating a Template from a Theme
  • Modifying a Template
  • Using a Custom Template

Module: Setting up your PowerPoint Presentation

  • About Self Running Presentations
  • Recording a Slide Show
  • Setting Up a Self-Running Presentation
  • Rehearsing Timings
  • Setting Up a Speaker-Led Show
  • Creating a Custom Show
  • Understanding Presenter View
  • Using Presenter View

Module: Saving and Sharing Your PowerPoint Presentation

  • Packaging Presentations for CD
  • Saving a Presentation as a PDF Document
  • Saving a Presentation as a Video
  • Sending a Presentation via Email
  • Presenting a Slide Show Online
  • Saving to a Storage Device

Helpful Tips
To benefit from our PowerPoint advanced training course, learners must have good working knowledge in these intermediate areas;

  • Understand different types of information for example text, numbers, images, graphics, sound, and videos.
  • Able to use images, video or sound for presentations and in addition able to use Clip Art, photo, scanned images, borders, create diagrams or graphics, image formats.
  • Able to use pre-recorded audio or video clips and understand audio and video formats.
  • Able to use charts and tables for presentations and understand table, pie chart, graph, diagram, organisational chart, and flowchart.
  • Able to combine information for presentations for example images, charts, tables with text by inserting, re-sizing and positioning, use of text boxes, presentation with audio and/or video, import information produced using other software and reference external information with hyperlinks.
  • Understand and adhere to constraints on content; copyright law (e.g. on music downloads or use of other people's images), acknowledgement of sources, avoiding plagiarism, equal opportunities, local guidelines, and on delivery (e.g. environment, timing).
  • Able to store and retrieve data, use Save, Save As, Find, Open, Close; Naming protocols; Reducing file size, and saving presentation as a stand-alone show or as web pages.
  • Understand Slide Structure for example layout, use existing templates, designs and styles, organisational guidelines, adapt and create new templates.
  • Understand Presentation effects for example video, sound, animation, slide transitions, visual and sound effects, and hyperlinks.
  • Able to edit slides, use size, crop, and position objects; wrap text, add captions and graphic elements, slide order and change orientation.
  • Understand animation and transition effects, adding and removing hyperlinks, applying and creating transitions, and applying animations.
  • Able to Format slides, apply bullets, numbering, line spacing, alignment, colour, fonts, size, backgrounds, colour schemes, master slides and themes.
  • Able to Present slides, apply timing, content, meaning; organisation of information, audience needs and location.
  • Able to Prepare slides, view and re-order slides; rehearse timing and effects, set up and amend slide show settings, print slides, handouts, and speaker notes.
  • Able to check presentation, spell check, grammar check, orientation, layout, slide order, text alignment and formatting, accuracy, clarity, transitions, and timings.
  • Able to check problems with presentations, which vary according to the content, for example, Text, Formatting, Styles, Images, Size, Position, Orientation, Effects, Timing, Brightness, Contrast, Sound levels and Order of Animations.

Point to Note: Customers may customised modules according to their needs and learning requirements, and if you want to discuss specific modules not listed above, please speak to us, we're here to help.

Course Curriculum: PowerPoint Intermediate

Subject areas covered:
1. PowerPoint Design Tips and Techniques
2. What's new in PowerPoint
3. Customising Presentation Templates
4. Enhancing Presentations
5. Using SmartArt, Tables and Charts
6. Formatting and modifying tables
7. Advanced Presentation Techniques
8. Printing and Handouts

Introduction: PowerPoint Design Tips and Techniques & What's new in PowerPoint.

Module: Customising Presentation Templates

  • Modifying templates
  • Building custom templates and themes
  • Building custom slide masters
  • Advanced slide master techniques

Module: Enhancing Presentations

  • Advanced drawing techniques
  • Using alignment tools
  • Sourcing and enhancing images
  • Adding movies and sound
  • Using animations and transitions

Module: Using SmartArt, Tables and Charts

  • Inserting and editing SmartArt
  • Creating organisation charts
  • Formatting and modifying tables
  • Inserting and designing charts and graphs
  • Working with Excel - linking tables and charts

Module: Advanced Presentation Techniques

  • Advanced slideshow delivery options
  • Organising your presentation effectively

Module: Printing and Handouts

  • Printing options
  • Working with Word - exporting handouts and notes
  • Exporting to other formats - PDF and video

Helpful Tips
To benefit from our PowerPoint intermediate training, learners must have good working knowledge in these basic areas;

  • Understand different types of information for example text, numbers, images, graphics and sound.
  • Understand the importance of copyright laws for example on music downloads or use of other people's images, acknowledgment of sources, avoiding plagiarism, equal opportunities, and local guidelines.
  • Able to combine images, charts or tables with text by inserting, re-sizing and positioning and the use of text boxes.
  • Able to store and retrieve files and folders and able to create, name, open, save, save as, print, close and find files.
  • Understand organisational guidelines and slide structure and able to use layout, use existing templates, use designs and styles.
  • Able to edit slides for example drag and drop, find, replace, undo or redo, resize, crop and position objects; wrap text, add lines and simple shapes.
  • Able to format slides for example bullets, numbering, line spacing, alignment, colour, fonts, size and backgrounds.
  • Able to present slides for example utilising timing, content, meaning, organisation of information and meeting audience needs.
  • Able to prepare slides for example to view, re-order, rehearse timing, print slides, print handouts and speaker notes.
  • Able to check presentation and use spell check, grammar check, orientation, layout, slide order, text alignment, formatting and accuracy.

Point to Note: Customers may customised modules according to their needs and learning requirements, and if you want to discuss specific modules not listed above, please speak to us, we're here to help.

Course Curriculum: PowerPoint Basic

Subject areas covered:
1. PowerPoint Design Tips and Techniques
2. What's new in PowerPoint
3. Getting started with PowerPoint
4. Creating Your First Presentation
5. Formatting and Proofing
6. Working with text and objects
7. Tables and Charts
8. Delivering Your Presentation

Introduction: PowerPoint Design Tips and Techniques & What's new in PowerPoint.

Module: Getting started with PowerPoint

  • Exploring the PowerPoint environment
  • Using Help options
  • Opening & Closing PowerPoint presentations

Module: Creating Your First Presentation

  • Creating new presentations
  • Saving presentations
  • Working in the outline tab and slide sorter
  • Rearranging and deleting slides
  • Using slides from other presentations

Module: Formatting and Proofing

  • Moving and copying text
  • Text formatting
  • Setting tabs and alignment
  • Using the spelling checker and AutoCorrect
  • Using templates and themes

Module: Working with text and objects

  • Drawing objects
  • Using AutoShapes
  • Enhancing objects
  • Using Drawing Tools

Module: Tables and Charts

  • Creating tables
  • Working with tables
  • Creating and enhancing charts and graphs

Module: Delivering Your Presentation

  • Adding speaker notes and footers
  • Running presentations
  • Printing presentations
  • Exporting to other formats

Point to Note: Customers may customised modules according to their needs and learning requirements, and if you want to discuss specific modules not listed above, please speak to us, we're here to help.

Services: Remote Learning, Online Classes, On-site Group Training.

Course Delivery Location: Our online tutorial services are delivered using Cisco or Zoom as our virtual training platform and you can start learning in the comfort of your home without the need to travel.

We also offer group training for employers who want to improve their staff ICT skills, we deliver training at our centre or at employers designated premises.

If you have a question or a query, call us today. We're here to help.

I pass my first course in accounting and really looking forward for the next one. My teacher Swapnil was very helpful and knowledgeable, ready to answer questions and help with technical difficulty. Really recommend this service for comprehensive courses.

Alexandra Abd-Allah, Google Review, Brent

Took this 5 week Bookkeeping course and learned a lot in that time. The teacher I had named Mr. Swapnil was very good with his teaching. He explained the work in a way that was easy to understand. I definitely recommend.

Maureen Broadbelt, Google Review, Hammersmith

My experience with the book keeping course was a really great one it was easy to follow, the pace was brilliant for learning, I can not complain about anything I mean even the tutor swapnil ararat nati was great down to earth, very understanding, with personal situations that made logging…

Rose Keal, Google Review, Ealing

The trainer Swapnil ararat nati was really down to earth and understanding and presented the accounting course really well in a that was easy to follow

Snakehunteryami Keal, Google Review, Ealing

Great course, I gained a lot of real life skills and have a genuine understanding of what was covered. The course structure is very easy to follow with every session downloadable. The class leader Swapnil Arafat was an immense help. His understanding was great so really helps you…

SAMUEL GHEBREMESKEL, Google Review, Barnet

These guys are brilliant, they go the extra mile to assist you to get a qualification or a job.

Delroy, Harlesden

Completed my Ascentis qualification at Level 2 for 10 units, Angela has been brilliant.

Vivian, Willesden Green

Gregory is a very good biology and physics teacher for GCSE and A Level students.

JH Cai, Hackney

Booked some biology revision lessons for my son to prepare him for his GCSE biology examination, Greg has been a wonderful teacher, my son enjoyed his revision lessons. Thank you Gregory!

Stephenie, Oval

I needed help with my smartphone and they organised a trainer who was patient with me and helped me understand the many bells and whistle on my smartphone. After a couple of lessons I am able to use my smartphone with confidence.

Linda, Google Review

Excellent tuition agency with good maths teacher.

Daniza Lindeman, Google Review

I had Microsoft Excel and Word course and i enjoyed a lot. The tutor was very professional and addressed every details which i required for my job. I can not thank enough. Keep up the great job

Lina Hasmucrai, Google Review

Customised Curriculum Ltd are a great company for beginners to gain IT skills and progress within the tech industry. They provide excellent support and resources for anyone who want to learn mobile applications on IOS and Android.

Paras Shah, London

I wanted to learn a little about computer programming, just the basics. CC were absolutely wonderful. My tutor was patient, fun and, above all, extremely knowledgeable and professional. I have no hesitation in recommending this company, and look forward to using them again in the very near future.

Jim Morrissey, Google Review

Great professional tutors for science and maths! Everything is smooth and swift from booking and communication. Highly recommended for anyone wanting to tutor their children.

Priteshb, Google Review

Very good teaching agency with good teachers and resources provided. Reasonable rates, highly recommended.

JC Chou, Stanmore

Our organisation used Customised Curriculum to improve our staff's IT skills in using Excel spreadsheet. We were provided with a professional trainer, resources and support.

Ameet Radia, Simpson Reid Property Consultants, Google Review

We had to persevere as no maths tutors were available to provide home tuition because of the pandemic and they organise online maths tuition for my daughter and she is happy. Thank you.

Ashok Varma, Kingsbury

Booked Maths GCSE & A level lessons for my daughters. Excellent tuition and support. I am very happy with my children's progress.

Murali Krishna, Google Review, Wembley

Speak to Joe or Ronnie on how you can enrol on government fully funded IT courses. Professional training company with many fully funded accredited courses!

Michael, Harrow on the Hill

Customised Curriculum Ltd offers value for money, very happy with their services.


Good dedicated tutors for maths lessons, booked them for my son and daughter's gcse and a level maths tuition.

Kirpal Singh, Wembley

Excellent professional service for you to achieve results.

Cindy Mart, Sudbury

"Customised Curriculum were absolutely amazing in helping me with my Excel skills, James was so patient with me and what I learned enable me to go for a better job".

Sarah Smith, London

David is a good mobile phone tutor, I learned a lot and now am confident in using what's app and skype, I am able to speak to my niece in Australia, which gives me so much pleasure.

Jean, Harrow

Booked a few GCSE biology lessons for my daughter with Gregory, and he was brilliant, in tutoring my daughter in the areas she was lagging behind.

Emma, Hatch End